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The activated charcoal in Savon Noir binds to dirt and grime and absorbs toxins a1000 times heavier than its own weight. It is highly acclaimed as a quintessential detoxifier. But that is not even half of the story.  Here are some lesser-known reasons Savon Noir Activated Charcoal Soap is the go-to solution for those seeking a deep and refreshing cleansing for the face and body, never mind the reinvigorating fragrance of its peppermint and tea tree essential oil blend.



Savon Noir Activated Charcoal Soap

Артикул: 19151-1935-19122-2118
ЦінаВід 12,11$
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  • Saponified Oils (Organic Palm Oil**, Organic Coconut Oil*, Organic Sunflower Oil, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil), Peppermint Essential Oil, Tea Tree Essential Oil, Activated Charcoal. **Fair Trade Sustainable Palm, *Fair Trade

    Manufacturer Country: USA

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