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A creamy, sumptuous fusion of collagen-boosting organic shea butter and uber-moisterizing organic mango butter, infused with the fresh. floral. evocative fragrance of 19, our proprietary blend of premium essential oils.  Using fast absorbing19 Scented after every shower nourishes and  deeply hydrates your skin, leaving feeling soft, supple, and with a beautiful, healthy glow.

19 Scented Whipped Body Butter by Salubre

Артикул: 2154-1935-19-1148-6513
ЦінаВід 29,75$
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Butter Up
29,75$щомісяця до скасування
  • Organic Shea Butter, Organic Mango Butter, Organic Jojoba Oil, Organic Arrow Root, Vitamin E Oil, Proprietary Essential Oil Blend

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