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Are you just starting to grow a beard?   Or do you have a fully matured mane?  Ether way, you need the five premium oils in note de terre Scented Beard Oil to keep your facial hair and the skin underneath  soft and moisturized.  The vitamin-rich and antioxidant-rich premium oils in notes de terre Scented Beard Oil promote hair health and growth by preventing split ends and neutralizing harmful free radicals. Use it after cleansing your beard with notesde terre Scented Beard Wash, to condition your beard, lock in the moisture and leave it redolent with a cool, clean, loamy scent of notes de terre.

notes de terre Scented Beard Oil by Salubre

Артикул: 251-15912-1935-141520-13112
ЦінаВід 32,18$
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32,18$кожні 2 місяці до скасування
  • Organic Jojoba Oil, Organic Argan Oil, Apricot Kernal, Organic Avocado Oil, Proprietary Essential Oil Blend

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