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Salubre's Bee4Sure Bee Pearl is a simple yet elegant superfood.  Simple because it contains just 4 ingredeients, Bee Bread, Royal Jelly, Propolis, and Vitamin C.   Elegant because of the wide range of fantastic health benefits it confers for both men and women.


For instance, studies have shown that bee pollen, a constituent ingredient in propolis,  alleviates several menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes and irritability.  In men bee pollen improves reproductive function, aleviates prostatitis (inflammed prostate) and reverses prostatic hyperplasia  or enlarged prostate. 


Other compounds found in propolis, like cafaeic acid phenethyl (CAPE), chlorogenic acid and artepellin C (Art C), fight obesity and obesity-related disease, either by preventing fat accumulation, increasing fat metabolism, and/or precluding adipogenesis, the formation of fat cells, at all. 


Bee4Sure Bee Pearl Powder also contains nutrient-rich royal jelly (RJ), a viscous victual produced by worker bees, exclusively for the queen bee and her young.  And although the specific mechanisms are not well understood, test have shown that it reduces total cholestrol and LDL by 11% and 4% respectively.  Another study, albeit a small one, concluded that RJ, among other things,  improved red blood cell count, glucose tolerance, and mental health.  So what's not to like? Add Bee4Sure Pearl Powder to your daily, health and well-being routine today.

Bee4Sure Bee Pearl Powder

SKU: 192116-161523-255-255
PriceFrom $41.90
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